Dear sister,

We are so glad you are interested in staying connected to our beloved chapter of Gamma Phi Beta!

Here are many ways to remain active with Delta Tau as alumnae members:

Review/update your contact info:

Keep your member profile up to date with Gamma Phi Beta so we can keep in touch with you! To do this, visit and log in. Your username is your member ID (115-XXXX) and can be found on the back of your copy of The Crescent magazine or on the back of your member badge. If you have lost your log-in credentials, you can email and they can help you! Then, you can review and update your information under Member --> My Profile.

Help us connect with other sisters:

We are missing many email addresses for Delta Tau alumnae. If you have sisters who would like to receive future chapter-related communications, please encourage them to update their contact info using the steps above.

Volunteer with the chapter:

There is room on the advisory board for more helpers! If you are passionate about mentoring chapter officers and furthering sorority life at Colgate, contact Gretchen Oosternink at and you can talk about different opportunities to get involved! Gretchen Oostenink still serves faithfully as the Delta Tau chapter advisor and Katherine Pezzella serves as the recruitment advisor. They would love for you to join our team!

Connect with current sisters:

Reach out to Collegiate-Alumnae Relations Chairwoman Lily Ellis ( or Chapter President Catalina King ( to foster relationships with current sisters in many ways:

  • Mentor a collegiate member

  • Present an educational workshop on an area of expertise or passion

  • Serve as a panelist or presenter for a career event

  • Connect with current members about working in your industry

Join our Facebook group:

Search 'Delta Tau Chapter (Colgate) Gamma Phi Beta Alumnae' on Facebook under Groups and request to join!

Recommend a woman for recruitment:

If you know any Colgate upperclassmen who would make great sorority women, send Katherine Pezzella ( their names and she can help ensure they register for recruitment! If you know them well enough to write a letter of recommendation for joining our chapter, you can do that by visiting and clicking on 'Recommend a Member.'